
Three or four weeks later, Marek was painting bluebells a quarter of a mile away when a fly with a red paint blob on its back landed on his painting and again the fly wouldn’t leave until the painting was finished. Oz was visiting his friend in Bridge nearby, and Marek told him about the strange occurrences in Cobham’s Rough wood but didn’t show him either painting. Oz was naturally sceptical, so Marek challenged him to come to the wood with him and try to find the spot from which he had painted.
From a location in a field a quarter of a mile from the site, Marek said, “Off you go, walk anywhere you want to, I’ll follow.”
After walking aimlessly around Oz stopped and said, “I give up. This is pointless. How on earth can you expect me to find where you painted a picture when I haven’t even seen the picture?”
With a grin on his face Marek replied, “You’re standing exactly on the spot! I remember the black sapling in front of you. Now take a photo of the view from here and compare it to the painting when we get back home.”

Later after consulting a map of the area they were astonished to discover that the location of these two paintings and several others made a straight line on the map. When they extended the line at either end they discovered that at one end it led to Caesar’s Camp, a Neolithic hill-fort above Folkestone, and that the other end led to Canterbury Cathedral! They speculated that this line could be a ley line and that Marek had been involuntarily lured into its influence!